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- Julien Leclerc, Haoran Zhao, Daniel Bao, Aaron T. Becker, "In Vitro Design Investigation of a Rotating Helical Magnetic Swimmer for Combined 3-D Navigation and Blood Clot Removal", Robotics IEEE Transactions on, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 975-982, 2020.
- H. Zhao, J. Leclerc, M. Feucht, O. Bailey and A. T. Becker, "3D Path-Following Using MRAC on a Millimeter-Scale Spiral-Type Magnetic Robot," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1564-1571, April 2020. doi: 10.1109/LRA.2020.2969159
- Rao N, Chen Y, Ramirez R, Tran J, Li S, and Parikh PJ* (2020). Time-course of Pain Threshold after Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation of Primary Somatosensory Cortex in Pain-free Subjects. Neuroscience Letters (in press).
- Layne, C.S., Malaya C.A. & Levine J.T. The effects of muscle vibration on gait control: a review. Somatosensory & Motor Research, 2019 Sep;36(3):212-222. DOI: 10.1080/08990220.2019.1652585
- D. S. Wickramasuriya, M. K. Tessmer and R. T. Faghih, "Facial Expression-Based Emotion Classification using Electrocardiogram and Respiration Signals," 2019 IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies, (HI-POCT), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 9-12.
Conference Presentations/Papers
- Jackson T. Levine, Christopher A. Malaya, Rhea M. Phatak, Charles S. Layne. Development of a Tendon Vibration System to Improve Gait. Poster session at 2019 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting; 2019 Oct 16-19; Philadelphia, PA.
- D. S. Wickramasuriya, M. K. Tessmer and R. T. Faghih, "Facial Expression-Based Emotion Classification using Electrocardiogram and Respiration Signals," 2019 IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies, (HI-POCT), Bethesda, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 9-12.
- Banner, P. "Evaluating biomarkers for stress and learning in architectural virtual reality ". UH Neurotechnology REU. REU National Conference, Westin Alexandria, VA. Oct 5, 2018.
- J.W. Perry, R.J. Adams and L.Pollonini, “The Brain on Bikes: Voluntary Performance and Hemodynamic Response in the Prefrontal Cortex During Exhaustive Exercise”, Conference of the Society of Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Tokyo, Japan – October 5th-8th, 2018.
- Saleh Kalantari, Jose L. Contreras-Vidal, Joshua Stanton Smith, Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Pamela Banner. Evaluating Educational Settings through Biometric Data and Virtual Response Testing. ACADIA, 2018.
Book Chapter
- Todd, E., Cruz-Garza, J.G., Moreau, A. Contreras-Vidal, J.L. “Self-Conscience/Physical Memory: An immersive, kinetic art installation driven by real-time and archival EEG signals”. BCIs for Artistic Expression. Springer 2019. Ed. Anton Nijholt. (in press)
Manuscript Editing Acknowledgement
- J. Leclerc, B. Isichei and A. T. Becker, "A Magnetic Manipulator Cooled With Liquid Nitrogen," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 4367-4374, Oct. 2018.doi: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2863358. Nathan Hui, was acknowledged for his help in editing the manuscript of our journal paper (acknowledgement on last page):
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Conferences Attended
- NSF Engineering Education and Centers Grantees Conference, Washington DC, October 2019 was attended by Program Coordinator, Maria Modelska