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Neurotechnologies to Help the Body Move, Heal and Feel Again

Project 7: Context effects on sublexical processing (Dial, SlAB)
Young subject listening to a sentence while EEG responses are recorded.
Young subject listening to a sentence while EEG responses are recorded.

Background: We are using event-related potentials, specifically the N400, to examine the influence of context on sublexical processing as a function of aging and presence of aphasia. Younger and older adults and adults with aphasia will listen to sentences while EEG responses are recorded. Sentences are either meaningful (The ice was very cold) or non-meaningful but with a word that sounds similar to the meaningful word (The ice was very gold). The goal of this project is to identify changes in the use of context across the lifespan and in aphasia to better understand how language is processed in these populations.

Multiband Stimulus Envelope

Contact Information

REU Program Director
University of Houston
Cullen College of Engineering
Engineering Building 1, Room N207
4226 Martin Luther King Boulevard
Houston, TX 77204-4006
Fax: 713-743-4503
Email: reu_brain [at] (reu_brain[at]egr[dot]uh[dot]edu) (Neurotechnologies to Help the Body Move, Heal and Feel Again)

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) award #2150415 (REU site), #2137255 (IUCRC BRAIN REU Supplement), and #1827769 (PFI REU Supplement).
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed in this materials are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

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