REU Student

Maximillian Bluhm
School/Affiliation Middlebury College
Major Computer Science and Neuroscience Double Major
Expected Graduation Date May 2024
Biosketch Hi! My name is Max Bluhm, and I am a computer science and neuroscience double major at Middlebury College. Originally from Corvallis, Oregon, I enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities such as backpacking, diving, and hunting. I also love cooking, and I live in a food studies house where, every week, we cook and serve local food to the student body and other community members. Besides this, I enjoy reading fantasy novels, playing video games, and taking international trips when the world is not dealing with a global pandemic. My long-term career goal is to design functional prosthetic limbs, so I am very excited to participate in this REU program in order to further develop my neurotechnology skill set.