REU Student

Alexander Michael Vega Gardner
School/Affiliation Columbia University
Major Electrical Engineering
Expected Graduation Date May 2026
Biosketch My name is Alexander Gardner, and I am currently a student at Columbia University studying electrical engineering. I served in the U.S. Army for three and a half years as an indirect fire infantryman, a mortar soldier, with the MOS 11C. Throughout my time in the army, I spent my free time studying coding, engineering, and mathematics. After leaving the army I applied to Columbia, where I took courses in Intro to Electrical Engineering, Java, Python, and The Art of Engineering, to more deeply understand programming languages and their applications in engineering than ever before. During my year at Columbia, I immersed myself in the engineering culture, both in the classroom and in my extracurricular activities. In my first semester, I joined the Columbia University Formula Racing Club.